Keynote lecture at FrontUQ 2024

Richard Butler, Professor of Aerospace Composites at The University of Bath, and lead academic in the multiscale performance modelling research challenge for CerTest, delivered a keynote lecture at a workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification. The event, held on September 24th-27th, 2024, took place in Braunschweig, Germany where Prof. Butler was invited to give an engineering example of Uncertainty Quantification. During his visit he also delivered a talk at the national aerospace lab, DLR, in Braunschweig. He spoke about bonding, which included the research conducted by former PhD student and CerTest affiliate, Thomas Maierhofer. The talk also explored the forming of composites and was very well received by the 50 engineers and mathematicians in attendance.

Please see below for Prof. Butler’s presentation slides.

CerTest at​ FUTURES 2024 Outreach Event

Members of the CerTest team, Flora Hervin, Vincent Maes, Ege Arabul and Jim Evans attended the FUTURES 2024 outreach event on September 27th to deliver their ‘Damage Detectives’ activity for lots of young people and their families. The event was held on the S.S. Great Britain, a fantastic venue for an evening of discovery!

With something for every age, FUTURES brings science, culture and research to life in new and exciting ways. The event allowed diverse communities to experience hands-on activities and talks to inspire them and spark an interest in research.

The ‘Damage Detectives’ activity allowed participants to search for hidden treasure in sand using metal detectors. The comparison was made with using ultrasound technology to search for hidden damage in aeroplane components. Participants were able to use this technology to search for damage in a model aeroplane wing, with the CerTest researchers on hand to explain the readings they got on screen.

The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all and the budding engineers to were thrilled to walk away with an insight into non-destructive testing techniques, and the treasure they discovered in the sand!

CerTest at SEM Annual Conference 2024

Numerous members of the CerTest team participated in the recent Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) conference, held in Vancouver from June 3rd to 6th. CerTest delivered several presentations on their innovative research as well as two PhD students participating in the Michael Sutton International Student Paper Competition.

The conference was very successful, giving CerTest an excellent opportunity to share their research findings and engage in the wider experimental mechanics community.

Please follow the links to download the presentations.

Integrated Testing and Modelling of Composite Structures – A Journey Towards Virtual Testing
and Certification by Analysis
| Ole T. Thomsen – University of Bristol; Janice M. Dulieu-Barton – University of Bristol; Stephen Hallett University of Bristol; Richard Butler – University of Bath; Andrew Rhead – University of Bath

Face-Sheet/Core Debonds in Composite Sandwich Structures – Fusion of Full-Field Imaging Data and FE Simulations | Emily HL Leung – University of Bristol; Riccardo Cappello – University of Bristol; Janice M. Dulieu-Barton – University of Bristol; Ole T. Thomsen – University of Bristol

Thermal and White Light Imaging Data Fusion for Complex CFRP Structures | Geir Ólafsson – University of Bristol; Rafael Ruiz Iglesias – University of Bristol; Janice M. Dulieu-Barton – University of Bristol

A Tool to Obtain the Coefficients of Thermal Expansion for CFRP Composites using Full-Field Data Fusion | Rafael Ruiz Iglesias – University of Bristol; Geir Olaffson – University of Bristol; Riccardo Cappello – University of Bristol; Ole Thomsen – University of Bristol; Janice Dulieu-Barton–University of Bristol

Hybrid Approach for Understanding the Thermoelastic Response of CFRP Multidirectional Laminates | Rafael Ruiz Iglesias – University of Bristol

Investigation of the Non-Adiabatic Thermoelastic Effect in Face-Sheet/Core Debonded Composite Sandwich Structures | Emily HL Leung – University of Bristol

Novel Composite Substructure Testing Approaches Utilizing Multi-Camera Full-Field Imaging | Tobias Laux – University of Bristol; Riccardo Cappello – University of Bristol; Jack S. Callaghan – Bangor University; Geir Ólafsson – University of Bristol; Stephen W. Boyd – University of Southampton; Duncan A. Crump – University of Southampton; Andrew F. Robinson – University of Southampton; Ole T. Thomsen – University of Bristol; Janice M. Dulieu – Barton–University of Bristol

Validation of a Numerical Model for Predictions of the Thermoelastic Effect in Laminated Composite Structures | Riccardo Cappello – University of Bristol; Rafael Ruiz-Iglesias – University of Bristol; Geir Olafsson – University of Bristol; Giuseppe Pitarresi – University of Palermo; Giuseppe Catalanotti – Kore University of Enna; Janice Dulieu-Barton – University of Bristol

CerTest at ECCM21

Many members of the CerTest team attended the recent 21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21) held on Nantes, July 2nd-5th. CerTest contributed to various sessions and poster discussions in addition to their own special symposium on Integrated testing and modelling of composite structures – towards virtual testing and certification by analysis.

The event was highly successful, with all presentation and poster displays being very well received. It also presented CerTest with the very welcome opportunity to network with the wider composites community and disseminate their research.

Below you will find details of the sessions that CerTest contributed to. Please follow the links to download the presentations.

Multiscale modelling

An optimal framework for assessing uncertain parameters in large-scale composites using nonlinear MS-GFEM, Jean BÉNÉZECH, University of Bath​

Special Symposium on Integrated testing and modelling of composite structures – towards virtual testing and certification by analysis

Integrated testing and modelling of composite structures – a journey towards virtual testing and certification by analysis, Ole THOMSEN, University of Bristol, Bristol Composites Institute, UK​

Bayesian Calibration of a Geometrically Nonlinear Finite Element C-spar Model using Digital Image Correlation, Carl SCARTH, University of Bath, UK ​

Application of second-order multi-scale modelling to composite components with delamination, fibre and matrix damage, Meng Yi SONG, University of Bristol, Bristol Composites Institute, UK​

Characterization of micro-structural features in complex parts for use in digital technologies, James KRATZ, University of Bristol, Bristol Composites Institute, UK​

Poster Discussion session

Material and Structural Behavior – Simulation & Testing Electrical properties”: Advancing Understanding of Eddy Currents in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites using Through-Transmission Technique, Atul SHARMA, University of Bristol, Bristol Composites Institute, UK ​

Integrated testing and modelling of composite structures – towards virtual testing and certification by analysis”, A novel method for forming realistic pre-preg wrinkles in an AFP representative setup and their characterization, Ege ARABUL, University of Bristol, Bristol Composites Institute, UK ​

Textile composites

Implementation of Second-Order Homogenisation using Shell Elements for Woven Composites, Athira Anil KUMAR, University of Bristol, Bristol Composites Institute, UK​

Novel test methods

Considerations and potential for inductive sensing evaluation of carbon fibre composites, Robert HUGHES, University of Bristol, UK

CerTest Independent Advisory Board and Industrial Steering Group Meeting, 17 April 2024 in Southampton

On April 17th 2024, the CerTest team met with the Independent Advisory Board (IAB) and the Industrial Steering Group (ISG) for a fantastic day of presenting the project’s research goals and achievements along with in-depth discussions about CerTest methodologies and next steps including what comes after CerTest . Presentations and posters were made by CerTest researchers and PhD students covering the work going into each of the project’s four research challenges, as well as the interactions and joint activities. The CerTest team presented a complete vision for the project, and for the first time a holistic depiction of what the CerTest methodology for performance validation and ultimately certification will encompass and how it is different from the current building block approach. Essentially, a road map towards certification by analysis or digital certification was outlined. The presentations were very well received by the representatives from the IAB and ISG including cross sector industry stakeholder and the funder EPSRC. The day was topped off with an evening dinner reception that concluded a very enjoyable day for all.

CerTest workshop and panel session at ICCM23 on ‘Modernising Routes to Compliance with Composite Regulations:  A Journey towards Virtual Testing and Digital Twinning’

At the recent 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23) held in Belfast, 30th July to 4th August 2023, the CerTest team organised a very successful workshop and panel session themed, ‘Modernising Routes to Compliance with Composite Regulations:  A Journey towards Virtual Testing and Digital Twinning’. The event, listed as an Industrial Needs Session in the ICCM23 programme, took place on 1st August 2023.

The event followed up on similar successful sessions on modernising composites regulations that were held at the ICCM21 in Xi’an in 2017, and the ICCM22 in Melbourne 2019.

The overarching aim was to define a cross-sector view on the need for modernisation of routes to demonstrate compliance with composites regulations. This includes discussion of viable routes forward with respect to lessening the burden of meeting regulations, including reducing cost and time to market whilst also enabling improved performance. The workshop/panel sessions addressed this through a selection of invited talks covering academia (CerTest representatives), regulators (EASA – European Aviation Safety Agency; DNV – regulations wind turbine blades and structures), and industry (Airbus – aerospace, Vestas Wind Systems – wind turbines, and Jacobs – construction industry).

The event, which was attended by more than 100 conference participants on and off, was highly successful, with insightful and thought provoking invited talks and many questions and lively discussions.

The programme of the event is listed below with links to the invited presentations which can be downloaded.


‘Welcome, background and aims of workshop / introduction to speakers’: Janice Barton, Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol, UK

‘CerTest: scientific foundations for a novel framework for performance validation of composite aerostructures relying less on physical testing and adopting digital twinning’, Ole Thomsen, Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol, UK

‘CerTest: enhanced performance and productivity through integration of multi-scale modelling, high-fidelity experimentation and Bayesian learning’, Richard Butler & Andy Rhead, University of Bath, UK

‘Developing composite (and other advanced manufactured) product certification – a regulator perspective’, Simon Waite, EASA, DE

‘Overview of current processes and future developments in composites certification – a wind turbine industry perspective’, Chris Harrison, DNV Denmark, DK

‘VVUQ framework to assess credibility of simulation of composite structures’, Ludovic Barriere, IRT Saint Exupéry, F 

‘Regulatory barriers across to efficient validation and certification of composites across sectors and applications’, Enrique Garcia, National Composites Centre, UK 

‘An Airbus perspective on challenges in certification for future airframes’, Linden Harris, Airbus, UK

‘Offshore wind turbine blade certification – challenges and opportunities’, Stephen Randall Vestas Wind Systems, UK

‘Barriers and opportunities in certification of composites for infrastructure applications’, Lee Canning, Jacobs, UK (presentation to follow)

ICCM23 – CerTest Speakers and Workshop Programme

The CerTest team will be attending the 23rd International Conference on Composites Materials taking place from July 30th to August 4th 2023 in Belfast.

The ICCM will feature speakers from CerTest, and a special workshop on ‘Modernising Route to Compliance with Composite Regulations: A Journey towards Virtual Testing and Digital Twinning’. The Bristol Composites Institute, the National Composites Centre and the University of Bath have worked collaboratively to bring together the programme.

For the full list of speakers, please see a downloadable copy below.