
The CerTest team have been very active in publishing their research.

Below is a reference list of these publications. We are currently working on a narrative that shows the developments in our research and the impact that it could have on the certification process.

We will gradually update and expand this page and will provide download links to the documents where we can and as DOI links become available.

Journal Papers

Lay-up effect on the open-hole shear strength of composite laminates Laux T, Bullock R, Thomsen O, Dulieu-Barton J. Composites Science and Techonology, Volume 239, July 2023, 110044.

Quantitative Full-Field Data Fusion for Evaluation of Complex Structures Callaghan J, Crump D, Nielsen A, Thomsen O, Dulieu-Barton. Experimental Mechanics 2023.

Manufacture of long spars: Laminate design, experimental trials and non-destructive evaluation Scarth C, Chen Y, Aza C, Rhead AT, Butler R, Composites Part B: Engineering. Volume 255. 2023

Reliability sensitivity analysis based on a two-stage Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation Xiao S, Nowak W. Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 130. 2022

A kinematically consistent second-order computational homogenisation framework for thick shell model Hii AKW and El Said B, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 398. 2022

Carbon fibre lattice strain mapping via microfocus synchrotron X-ray diffraction of a reinforced composite Srisuriyachot J,  McNair S,  Chen Y, Barthelay T, Gray R, Bénézech J, Dolbnya I, Butler R, Lunt A. Carbon. Volume 200. 2022

Continuous level Monte Carlo and sample-adaptive model hierarchies Maes VK, Radhakrishnan A, Hartley J, Sykes S, Kratz J. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 163. 2022

An experimental and numerical study of industrially representative wrinkles in carbon fibre composite laminates Pilaro N, Butler R, Trevarthen J, Lunt A. Materials & Design. Volume 222. 2022

Full-Field Order-Reduced Gaussian Process Emulators for Nonlinear Probabilistic Mechanics Ding C, Hussein R, Dodwell T. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2022

Scalable MS-GFEM applied to composite aero-structures Bénézech J, Seelinger L, Bastian P, Butler R, Dodwell T, Ma C, Scheichl R. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2022

A data-driven Bayesian optimisation framework for the design and stacking sequence selection of increased notched strength laminates Chaqui T, Rhead AT, Butler R, Scarth C. Composites Part B: Engineering. Volume 226. 2021 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.10934759

High-performance dune modules for solving large-scale, strongly anisotropic elliptic problems with applications to aerospace composites Butler R, Dodwell T, Reinarz A, Sandhu A, Scheichl R, Seelinger L. Computer Physics Communications,
Volume 249. 2020.

Synchrotron micro-CT in kink-band formation of UD-CFRP laminates with microdefects Jiraphant Srisuriyachot, Jean Bénézech, Thomas Maierhofer, Sophie McNair, Guillaume Couegnat, Richard Butler, Alexander Lunt

Modelling and evaluation of carbon fibre composite structures using high-frequency eddy current imaging Qiuji Yi, Paul Wilcox and Robert Hughes Composites Part B: Engineering
Volume 248, 1 January 2023

Tracking consolidation of out-of-autoclave prepreg corners using pressure sensors Vincent K. Maes, Arjun Radhakrishnan, Jamie Hartley, Stuart Sykes, and James Kratz Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Volume 163, December 2022

Features and Defects Characterisation for Virtual Verification and Certification of Composites: A review Vincent K. Maes, Kevin Potter, James Kratz Composites Part B: Engineering Volume 246, November 2022

Probabilistic Constitutive Modelling using Functional Gaussian Processes Chensen Ding, Timothy J. Dodwell Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Volume 173, October 2023

Unified analysis of periodization-based sampling methods for Matern Covariances Bachmayr M, Graham I, Nguyen V, Scheichl R. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Vol. 58, Iss. 5 (2020)

Multilevel Spectral Domain Decomposition Bastian P, Schiechl R, Seelinger L, Stehlow A. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol. 45, Iss. 3 (2023)

Multilevel Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Dodwell T, Ketelsen C, Scheichl R, Teckentrup A. SIAM ReviewVol. 61, Iss. 3 (2019)

Multilevel Monte Carlo simulations of composite structures with uncertain manufacturing defects. Dodwell T, Kynaston S, Butler R, Haftka R, Kim N, Scheichl R. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Volume 63, January 2021 10.1016/j.probengmech.2020.103116

A data-centric approach to generative modelling for 3D-printed steel. Dodwell TJ, Fleming LR, Buchanan C, Kyvelou P, Detommaso G, Gosling PD, Oates CJ. Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 477(2255), pp. 20210444 doi/10.1098/rspa.2021.0444

Approximation and sampling of multivariate probability distributions in the tensor train decomposition Dolgov S, Anaya-Izquierdo K, Fox C, Scheichl R. 10.1007/s11222-019-09910-z

A Hybrid Alternating Least Squares–TT-Cross Algorithm for Parametric PDEs. Dolgov S, Scheichl R. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification Vol. 7, Iss. 1 (2019) 10.1137/17M1138881

Parametric failure manifolds for laminated composites EL Said B, Hallett S. Composite Structures Volume 253, 1 December 2020

Multiscale modelling of laminated composite structures with defects and features. El Said B, Hallett S. Multi-Scale Continuum Mechanics Modelling of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites (pp 637-668)

Analysis of quasi-Monte Carlo methods for elliptic eigenvalue problems with stochastic coefficients. Gilbert A, Graham I, Kuo F, Scheichl R, Sloan I. Numerische Mathematik (4) 10.1007/s00211-019-01046-6

Error analysis and uncertainty quantification for the heterogeneous transport equation in slab geometry Graham I, Parkinson M, Scheichl R. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (4) 10.1093/imanum/draa028

A fully adaptive multilevel stochastic collocation strategy for solving elliptic PDEs with random data. Lang J, Scheichl R, Silvester D. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 419, 15 October 2020

Novel Design and Analysis of Generalized Finite Element Methods Based on Locally Optimal Spectral Approximations Ma C, Scheichl R, Dodwell T SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Vol. 60, Iss. 1 (2022) 10.1137/21M1406179

Lock-in thermography using miniature infra-red cameras and integrated actuators for defect identification in composite materials, Optics and Laser Technology, 2022, Olafsson, G. Tighe, R.C., Boyd, S.W., and Dulieu-Barton, J.M.

Quantitative Microbolometer-Based Thermoelastic Stress Analysis Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., and Dulieu-Barton, J.M. Optics and Lasers in Engineering Volume 160, January 2023

Directional eddy current probe configuration for out‑of‑plane wrinkles detection Mussatayev M, Yi Q, Maes VK, Wilcox P and Hughes R Composites Part B: Engineering Volume 268, 1 January 2024

Influence of NCF architecture on the morphology of forming induced wrinkling. Jimenez Martin, C., Maes, V. K., McMahon, T. & Kratz, J. Frontiers in Materials

A High-Performance Implementation of a Robust Preconditioner for Heterogeneous Problems, Linus Seelinger, Anne Reinarz & Robert Scheichl, International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics PPAM 2019: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics pp 117–128 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43229-4_11

Resistance-welded thermoset composites: A Bayesian approach to process optimisation for improved fracture toughness Thomas Maierhofer, Evripides. Loukaides, Craig Carr, Chiara Bisagni, Richard Butler Composites Part A

Functional order-reduced Gaussian Processes based machine-learning emulators for probabilistic constitutive modelling Ding C, Chen Y, Rappel H, Dodwell T. Journal Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107695

An experimental and numerical study of industrially representative wrinkles in carbon fibre composite laminates Pilato N, Butler R, Trevarthen J, Lunt A Journal Materials & Design 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111055

High-performance dune modules for solving large-scale, strongly anisotropic elliptic problems with applications to aerospace composites Butler R, Dodwell T, Reinarz A, Sandhu A, Scheichl R, Seelinger L. Computer Physics Communications,
Volume 249. 2020.

Full-field prediction of stress and fracture patterns in composites using deep learning and self-attention Chen Y, Dodwell T, Chuaqui T, Butler R. Engineering Fracture Mechanics.

Democratizing Uncertainty Quantification Linus Seelinger, Anne Reinarz, Mikkel B. Lykkegaard, Amal Mohammed A. Alghamdi, David Aristoff, Wolfgang Bangerth, Jean Bénézech, Matteo Diez, Kurt Frey, John D. Jakeman, Jakob Sauer Jørgensen, Ki-Tae Kim, Massimiliano MartinelliI, Matthew Parno, Riccardo Pellegrini, Noemi Petra, Nicolai A. B. Riis, Katherine Rosenfeld, Andrea Serani, Lorenzo TamelliniI, Umberto Villa, Tim J. Dodwell, and Robert Scheichl. Nature Computational Science.

Failure probability estimation with failure samples: An extension of the two-stage Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation Xiao S., Nowak W. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.

Multilevel spectral domain decomposition P. Bastian, R. Scheichl, L. Seelinger, A. Strehlow. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.

Novel design and analysis of generalized finite element methods based on locally optimal spectral approximations. C. Ma, R. Scheichl, T. Dodwell. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,

Error estimates for discrete generalized FEMs with locally optimal spectral approximations. C. Ma, R. Scheichl. Mathematics of Computation.

Multilevel delayed acceptance MCMC. M.B. Lykkegaard, T.J. Dodwell, C. Fox, G. Mingas, R. Scheichl. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification.

Tractable Optimal Experimental Design using Transport Maps. K. Koval, R. Herzog, R. Scheichl. Inverse Problems.

Multilevel dimension-independent likelihood-informed MCMC for large-scale inverse problems T. Cui, G. Detommaso, R. Scheichl. Inverse Problems.

Democratizing Uncertainty Quantification L. Seelinger, A. Reinarz, M.B. Lykkegaard, A.M.A. Alghamdi, D. Aristoff, W. Bangerth, J. Bénézech, M. Diez, K. Frey, J.D. Jakeman, J.S. Jørgensen, K.-T. Kim, M. Martinelli, M. Parno, R. Pellegrini, N. Petra, N.A.B. Riis, K. Rosenfeld, A. Serani, L. Tamellini, U. Villa, T.J. Dodwell, R. Scheichl. Nature Computational Science.

Observations of wrinkling in Non-Crimp Fabrics during multi-ply stack forming using in situ XCT scanning. Martin CJ, Maes V, Rosini S, Smith R, Sinclair I, Mavrogordato M, McMahon T, Kratz J. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing.

Scalable multiscale-spectral GFEM with an application to composite aero-structures. Bénézech J., Seelinger L., Bastian P., Butler R., Dodwell T., Ma C., Scheichl R. Journal of Computational Physics.

Conference Papers and Presentation

Stacking sequence selection for defect reduction in forming of long composite spars Scarth C, Chen Y, Rhead AT, Butler R. Fifth International Symposium on Automated Composites Manufacturing 2022 (ACM5). Abstract Book – Conference Proceedings

Bayesian calibration of a finite element stiffened panel model using experimental compression test data Scarth C, Rhead AT, Butler R. 20th European Conference on Composite Materials – Composites Meet Sustainability 2022. 10.5075/epfl-298799_978-2-9701614-0-0

Scalable localized model order reduction applied to composite aero-structures Bénézech J, Seelinger L, Bastian P, Butler R, Dodwell T, Ma C, Scheichl R. 20th European Conference on Composite Materials – Composites Meet Sustainability 2022. 10.5075/epfl-298799_978-2-9701614-0-0

Fracture toughness and performance of resistance welded and co-bonded thermoset-thermoplastic composite hybrid joints Maierhofer T, Loukaides EG, Hernandez T, Bisagni C, Carr C, Butler R. 20th European Conference on Composite Materials – Composites Meet Sustainability 2022. 10.5075/epfl-298799_978-2-9701614-0-0

Scalable MS-GFEM applied to composite aero-structures Bénézech J, Seelinger L, Bastian P, Butler R, Dodwell T, Ma C, Scheichl R. EQUADIFF 15. 2022. Scientific Program

Scalable localized model order reduction applied to composite aero-structures Bénézech J., Seelinger L., Bastian P., Butler R., Dodwell T., Ma C., Reinarz A., Scheichl R. VIII ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites. 2021. Link to paper.

The effect of out-of-plane waviness asymmetry on laminate strength Maes VK, Elsaied B,  Hallett S, Kratz J, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites—Thirty-Sixth Technical Conference on Composite Material 2021

Second-order Computational Homogenisation for Thick Shell Models: Application to Non-linear Multiscale Analysis of Composites Hii AKW, El Said B and Hallett S,: Presentations to ECCOMAS VIII Conference on Mechanical Response of Composites. 2021

Assessment of damage in multi-directional laminates using full field imaging. Ruiz-Iglesias R, Ólafsson G, Thomsen O, Dulieu-Barton J. 15th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 2021

Influence of stacking sequence on the open-hole shear strength of composite laminates. Laux T, Olafsson G, Dulieu-Barton JM, Thomsen OT. 15th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics (BSSM) 2021

Quantifying the Thermoelastic Response from Laminated Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites using Digital Image Correlation. Jiménez-Fortunato I, Bull DJ, and Dulieu-Barton JM, Thomsen OT 2020

Adventures in Thermomechanics: from slow to fast, from expensive to low cost and across length scales. Dulieu-Barton JM. SEM Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, online 2020

Spatial Tessellation Techniques for Multiscale Modelling of Strongly Heterogeneous Materials El Said B, Hallett S. World Congress on Computational Mechanics & ECCOMAS Congress 2019

Multilevel Delayed Acceptance MCMC with an Adaptive Error Model in PyMC3 Lykkegaard MB, Mingas G, Scheichl R, Fox C, Dodwell TJ Neural Information Processing Systems Conference 2020

HINT: Hierarchical Invertible Neural Transport for Density Estimation and Bayesian Inference Kruse J, Detommaso G, Köthe U, Scheichl R. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Zonally heated tooling for moulding complex and highly
tapered composites parts
Vincent K. Maes, Arjun Radhakrishnan and James Kratz ECCM20 10.3389/fmats.2023.1126932

Scalable localized model order reduction applied to composite aero-structures Bénézech J., Seelinger L., Bastian P., Butler R., Dodwell T., Ma C., Scheichl R. ECCM20 10.5075/epfl-298799_978-2-9701614-0-0

Testing of a wind turbine blade spar cap to web joint subcomponent subjected to multiaxial loading T. Laux , J.S. Callaghan, G. Ólafsson, O.T. Thomsen and J.M. Dulieu-Barton ICCM23 ICCM23_Full_Paper_63.pdf (

Surrogate models for full-field prediction of stress and fracture of fibre reinforced composites Y. Chen, T. Dodwell, C. Ding, R. Butler WCCM2022 10.13140/RG.2.2.27179.31529

Testing of a wind turbine blade spar cap to web joint subcomponent subjected to multiaxial loading T. Laux , J.S. Callaghan, G. Ólafsson, O.T. Thomsen and J.M. Dulieu-Barton ICCM23 ICCM23_Full_Paper_63.pdf (

Efficient nonlinear multiscale spectral GFEM applied to composite aerospace structures J. Bénézech, L. Seelinger, A. Reinarz, T.J. Dodwell, R. Butler and R. Scheichl ICCM23 ICCM23_PPT_373.pdf (

Multi-scale modelling the effect of voids on short beam shear strength of composites Fen Huang, Bassam El Said, Luiz Kawashita, Stephen Hallett ICCM23

Radically improving the fracture toughness of bonded thermoset joints T. Maierhofer, E. G. Loukaides, C. Carr, and R. Butler ICCM23

Second-order homogenisation of 3D woven composites using shell elements Athira Anil Kumar, Aewis K.W. Hii, Bassam El Said and Stephen Hallett ICCM23

Detecting debonded regions through the face sheets of sandwich structures using mirror assisted imaging techniques H. L. Leung, J.M. Dulieu-Barton, and O.T. Thomsen ICCM23

Bayesian Calibration of a Finite Element C-Spar Model using Digital Image Correlation Carl Scarth, Geir Olafsson, Janice Dulieu-Barton, Andrew Rhead, Richard Butler ICCM23

Use of Micro-CT to Study the Effect of Voiding and Fibre Misalignment on Kink-band Formation Jiraphant Srisuriyachot, Jean Bénézech, Thomas Maierhofer, Sophie McNair, Guillaume Couegnat, Richard Butler, Alexander Lunt ICCM23

Identification of subsurface damage in multidirectional composite laminates using full field imaging R. Ruiz Iglesias, G. Olafsson, O.T. Thomsen, J.M. Dulieu-Barton ICCM23

Identification of Subsurface Damage in Multi-directional Composite Laminates using Full Field Imaging R. Ruiz Iglesias, G. Ólafsson, O.T. Thomsen, J.M. Dulieu-Barton Society for Experimental Mechanics

Characterisation of asymmetric wrinkles using high-frequency eddy current and full matrix capture-based ultrasound Qiuji Yi, Vincent Maes, James Kratz, Paul Wilcox and Robert Hughes ICCM23 PowerPoint Presentation (

Hybrid testing for composite substructures Tobias Laux, Jack Callaghan, Sergey Kravchenko, Janice Barton, Ole Thomsen ECCM20

Ply orientation effects in multidirectional carbon/epoxy open-hole specimens subjected to shear loading Roy C. Bullock, Tobias Laux, Ole T. Thomsen, Janice M. Dulieu-Barton ECCM20

Computational Homogenisation of Shear-deformable Shell Models accounting for Mesoscopic Damage in Laminated Composites Aewis KW Hii, Bassam El Said and Stephen R Hallett WCCM2022 program_book.pdf

Developing in-line inductive probes for carbon fibre composite manufacturing Hughes R., Yi Q., Mussateyev M., Wilcox P. European Conference on NDT (ECNDT)

Advances in Automated Eddy-Current Characterisation of Carbon Fibre Composites Yi Q., Wilcox P., Hughes R., European Conference on NDT (ECNDT)

Assessment of complex structual scale composite structures by Thermo-Elastic Stress Analysis (TSA) adapted for 3D perspective imaging. Ólafsson G., Jack, T., Dulieu-Barton, J. M. ECCM20

Surface and subsurface damage assessment of multi-directional composite laminates utilizing a full field imaging technique R. Ruiz Iglesias, G. Ólafsson, O.T. Thomsen, J.M. Dulieu-Barton ECCM20

Validation of finite element damage models using full-field data for multidirectional carbon/ epoxy open-hole specimens subjected to shear loading Bullock R, Laux T, Thomsen OT, Dulieu-Barton JM BSSM’s 16th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics

Characterisation of complex composite geometries using thermal imaging Olafsson G, Ruiz-Iglesias R, Thomsen OT, Dulieu-Barton JM BSSM’s 16th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics

Validation of Composite Aerostructures through Integrated Multi‐Scale Modelling and High‐Fidelity Substructure Testing Facilitated by Design of Experiments and Bayesian learning Thomsen OT, Dulieu-Barton JM, Hallett SR, Butler R ECCM20

High performance uncertainty quantification with parallelized multilevel Markov chain Monte Carlo Seelinger L, Hall M, Gamblin T, Reinarz A, Rannabauer L, Bader M, Bastian P, Scheichl R International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis 10.1145/3458817.3476150

Hybrid testing for composite structures Tobias Laux, Jack Callaghan, Sergey Kravchenko, Janice Barton, Ole Thomsen SEM Conference

Finite Element Modelling of High-Frequency Eddy Current for CFRP’s Orientation Evaluation Qiuji Yi, Paul Wilcox and Robert Hughes. 25th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation (XXIV)

Development of a Concurrent Multi-scale Analysis Framework using Shell Elements for the Progressive Failure Analysis of Composites Aewis KW Hii, Bassam El Said and Stephen R Hallett. ECCM20. 10.5075/epfl-298799_978-2-9701614-0-0

3D thermal imaging for Thermo-Elastic Stress Analysis (TSA) and numerical model validation Ólafsson G., Jack, T., Dulieu-Barton, J. M. Society for Experimental Mechanics.

Full-field imaging approaches for the assessment of composite structures Callaghan JS, Crump D, Nielsen AS, Thomsen OT, Dulieu-Barton JM. Society for Experimental Mechanics.

Using a front coated mirror in full field imaging systems for testing large scale structures Leung H.L., Thomsen O.T., Dulieu-Barton J.M. 7th Postgraduate Experimental Mechanics (PGEM) Conference.

Verification of mirror assisted full-field imaging for large scale structure testing. Leung H.L., Dulieu-Barton J.M., Thomsen O.T. 16th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics.

Surface and subsurface damage evaluation of multi-directional laminates using a full field imaging technique. Ruiz-Iglesias R, Ólafsson G, Thomsen O, Dulieu-Barton J. 7th Postgraduate Experimental Mechanics (PGEM) Conference

Subsurface damage assessment in composite laminates using a novel full field imaging technique. Ruiz-Iglesias R, Ólafsson G, Thomsen O, Dulieu-Barton J. 16th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics

Full-field imaging techniques for integrity assessment of composite structures. Dulieu-Barton, J.M. 16th International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment (ESIA16). ESIA16: Speaker’s Abstracts | FESI

Damage Quantification in Multi-directional Laminates using Thermoelastic Stress Analysis. R. Ruiz-Iglesias, G. Ólafsson, O.T. Thomsen and J.M. Dulieu-Barton. Society for Experimental Mechanics.

Using Thermoelastic Stress Analysis for Damage Quantification on CFRP Laminates. R. Ruiz-Iglesias, G. Ólafsson, O.T. Thomsen and J.M. Dulieu-Barton. BSSM Conference.

Numerical and Experimental Assessment of Non-Adiabatic Effects in Thermoelastic Stress Analysis of Composite Laminates. Riccardo Cappelloa, Janice Dulieu-Barton, Rafael Ruiz-Iglesias, Giuseppe Pitarresi and Giuseppe Catalanotti. ECCOMAS Conference

Full field imaging techniques for high fidelity testing of a structural subcomponent Riccardo Cappello, Tobias Laux, Jack S. Callaghan, Geir Ólafsson, Stephen W. Boyd, Duncan A. Crump, Andrew F. Robinson, Ole T. Thomsen, Janice M. Dulieu-Barton. 17th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics.

BAYESIAN PREDICTION OF THE LOAD RESPONSE OF COMPOSITE STRUCTURES TO STREAMLINE CERTIFICATION APPROACHES, Tobias Laux, Sinan Xiao , Roy C. Bullock , Janice M. Dulieu-Barton , Karim Anaya-Izquierdo. 11th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification.

Multi-scale framework for shear-deformable shell elements – application to the delamination analysis of composites. Aewis K.W. Hii, Bassam El Said and Stephen R. Hallett. 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites: COMPOSITES 2023


Lowering the Entry Bar to HPC-Scale Uncertainty Quantification. L. Seelinger, A. Reinarz, J. Benezech, M.B. Lykkegaard, L. Tamellini, R. Scheichl. Supercomputing.


Failure envelops based on full field assessment of CFRP subjected to multiaxial loading. Ólafsson G., Laux T., Thomsen O. T., Dulieu-Barton J. M. Conference British Society for Strain Measurement.

Evaluation of Subsurface Damage on Structural Scale with Integrated Full Field Approaches’ Ólafsson G., Dulieu-Barton J. M. International Conference on Composite Materials.

Evaluating Uncertainties in TSA using Images Obtained from Low-cost Thermal Core Cameras Ólafsson G., Dulieu-Barton J. M. Society of Experimental Mechanics.

Progress in Full-Field Data Fusion from a Complex CFRP Aero Structure Ólafsson G., Ruiz Iglesias R., Thomsen O. T., Dulieu Barton J. M. Conference British Society for Strain Measurement. progress-in-full-field-data-fusion-for-a-complex-cfrp-aero-structure.pdf (